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Saturday, August 25, 2012

"Social Media .......newbie..."

In my day "NETWORKING" meant face-to-face conversation over drinks and appetizers.  If things were going really well......... perhaps dinner! 

Well it's 2012 and I've been introduced to OMG, WTF and being somewhat defined by my KLOUT score?????  MMmmmmm .......... well this old dog can be taught the new tricks!

So, here I go:

(562) 522-1986

(I have secured TOMFLEARY.COM but come on-one major leep at a time!)

Voice Over and Demo Reels uploaded

Twitter: @TomFLeary
(Just passed 250 followers which I'm told that makes me "followable.") 

Next, I'm creating my Facebook Actor Page.
(I think I'm developing carpel tunnel...)

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